Sacrament of Marriage

BH55H0 Rings

Marriage is a lifelong partnership, commitment, based in love, for the well being of the spouses and for the purpose of having and rearing children. It is absolutely dependent on the free consent of the couple. The Second Vatican Council applies the expression ‘domestic Church’ to the Catholic family. It is in the family that the faith is first taught to children, and marriage represents the first school of Christian life.

H​ow does the Sacrament of Matrimony come about?

The Sacrament of Matrimony comes about through a promise made by a man and a woman before God and the Church, which is accepted and confirmed by God and consummated by the bodily union of the couple. Because God himself forms the bond of sacramental marriage, it is binding until the death of one of the partners. [CCC 1625-1631]
The man and the woman mutually administer the sacrament of Matrimony.
A sacramental marriage has three necessary elements: (1) free consent, (2) the affirmation of a lifelong, exclusive union, and (3) openness to children. [CCC 1644-1654]

Booking a Wedding

To book Our Lady of Victories Church for a wedding it is VERY IMPORTANT that you first read the “Getting Married in the Church” section HERE.

Then please call the parish office on 2854667.

You will also need to notify the Registrar at least 3 months before the wedding with the name of the solemniser (priest) who is to officiate at your wedding.  The priest must be contacted by you first before this is done.    Contact the Civil Registration Service, Joyce House, 8/11 Lombard Street East, Dublin 2.
Opening Hours: 09.00 – 16:30 Mon- Fri  (through lunch) Phone: 01 8638200.